Friday, January 31, 2025

The January 2025 Report

January felt like 3 months and I am tired with a case of Nothing Much to Say. One of the repair statements from Gottman’s checklist feels apt: I want to be gentler to you right now and I don’t know how.  
A lamb who has gone astray. A lamb with a wolf heart. 

Lonely Fight - Mk.gee 

John Cage’s Early Letters to Merce Cunningham

Undated, postmarked July 12, 1944 | 12 East 17th Street, New York

au prince delicieux.

your last letter is so beautiful i cannot answer it, only read it and lie on it.

My January was mostly devoted to figuring out why my student keeps tackling girls at school. When I wasn’t doing damage control, I spent my free time having bizarres dreams, rolling around on my bedroom floor listening to Lonely Fight, thinking about John Cage’s Early Letters to Merce Cunningham, rewatching Gilmore Girls, playing Stardew Valley, and staring at the paint peeling on my ceiling. My average screen time was down to 2 hrs and I was in awe then I remembered my eyes were glued to my Switch... the mines are calling and I must go… 

Ok here's the January 2025 round up:
*rv = a previous read/watch/listen revisted

Read - I didn't read much in January. As I said, I was too busy mining iridium and killing slimes.

     The End of the World is a Cul de Sac by Louise Kennedy... I'm a fraud for putting this on the January Report because I didn't actually finish it in January but one of the stories (Hunter-Gatherers) made me feel sick and upset so I had to put it down for two weeks. It was a familiar icky feeling of something is not right but its not verifiably wrong enough. As KB and I say, sometimes vibes are more reliable than facts.
    Gobbolino the Witch’s Cat by Ursula Moray Williams (*rv)... I found a copy of this book I loved as a child on ThriftBooks. Read it out loud to myself one night as I accidentally drank an entire bottle of wine. A witch's cat who longs to be a humble kitchen cat. I was reminded of this excerpt from Hotel du Lac by Anita Brookner. I am not a romantic. I am a domestic animal.

Gobbolino the Witch’s Cat by Ursula Moray Williams (1942)
Hotel du Lac by Anita Brookner (1984) 


Watch (movies, tv shows, youtube, etc.)

Gilmore Girls (*rv)... what can I say... it's a cozy classic and I need some warmth to get through this bleak, snowless winter. Typically a puzzle show for me but I've been avoiding the common area of my apartment lest I have to listen to my roommate's playlist that plays on a loop like we live in a goddamn coffee shop and I can't seem to keep my room clean enough to accommodate a puzzle. So I play it in the background while I harvest ancient fruit, occasionally rolling my eyes whenever Dean comes on screen.

Traitors..  god its a blast and totally infuriating. Tom Sandoval is absolutely going through withdrawals on TV.

Everybody Rides the Carousel... Inspired by psychologist Erik Erikson's theories of human social development or the 8 "identity crises." Meryl Streeps silky smooth voice takes you for a ride.

Babygirl... saw this at the beginning of January and honestly can't remember what I thought about this movie. "We're like two children playing and it's natural" has stuck with me. 

Cozy Day in the Life Vlogs... perfect for doing the dishes or cleaning your room. Also, addicted to plan with me and journaling system videos. Yeahhh I watched a 45 minute filofax set up video.. it gives me the sensation that I imagine ASMR would provide if that wasn't complete sensory torture to me. I heart Youtube, I heart the Filofax / Traveller's Notebook beautiful woman community. We are living very different lives but I find them aspirational.

Everybody Rides the Carousel (1976)

I'll end this with a quesiton: 
If Chad Michael Murray bought you tickets to a PJ Harvey concert, would you go with him?

Bashful Chicken

Misc. Artifacts from the Month:

source: @samsketchbook on insta /

Lysandra and I went to this Public Collectors Exhibit
from Care of the City: Twin Cities Town Meeting
Discussion Manual seen at the exhibit

Other things I saw...
a comedy show
a sunset
a glowing goose

The January 2025 Report

₊✩‧₊˚౨ৎ˚₊✩‧₊ January felt like 3 months and I am tired with a case of Nothing Much to Say. One of the repair statements from Gottman’s check...